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lalit1 aiyushkumar963@gmail.com 15-October 2024 Tuesday, 7:50 am

Affordable Solar Panel Solutions in Canberra with Government Incentives

Are you ready to reduce your energy bills? Polygon Energy offers affordable solar panel installations in Canberra, backed by the ACT Government Solar Program. With abundant sunlight in the region, solar panels provide an efficient way to cut down on electricity costs while embracing renewa

Are you ready to reduce your energy bills? Polygon Energy offers affordable solar panel installations in Canberra, backed by the ACT Government Solar Program. With abundant sunlight in the region, sol.........ar panels canberra provide an efficient way to cut down on electricity costs while embracing renewable energy. Our experienced team ensures a hassle-free installation, with high-quality solar panels that guarantee long-term energy savings. Whether you’re a homeowner or a business owner, our tailored solutions make the transition to solar energy easy and cost-effective, helping you achieve energy independence.

shujaurrahman Shujaurrehman210@gmail.com 18-December 2021 Saturday, 8:12 am

The good and the difficult


You always hand over the good things first; here is my laughter, here is my confidence, here is the part of me I think is cute and worth loving. Eventually you close your eyes and hold out something h.........eavy - here is the thing you might leave me for. If you’re lucky, they pick it up easily. If you’re lucky, they’ll let you hold theirs too

Faheem_ Faheemahmad5@gmail.com 18-December 2021 Saturday, 8:06 am



They asked me what poetry was, and as few things have, it stole my speech for a moment.All I could think to say was that poetry is taking an ache and making it sing..........

shujaurrahman Shujaurrehman210@gmail.com 18-December 2021 Saturday, 8:02 am



Sounds of leaves uttering by shoes of passengers were heard, Flashback to a ago when these leaves were the pamphlets; exchange letter of the lovers Written with feelings like deepen heart words ela.........borating each others love Considering the beauties ,the chaos, the stillness, the oneness of widen and exotic love The life that tied the thumbs of goals to the future was embrace with the newness of present Present with her Contracting an amendment for forever was the promise to be sign on But what? Was that “forever” worth a penny ; the promises , the chaos , the stillness, the love, the sacrifice , the aims, the oneness of two, all deemed to low that sake of illness derived from coward people’s thinking was born And this ‘forever ‘flew away from the life of two to one like the bird that flew just after freed from bars Forever was ever meant just for never There was nothing still with life and the love too The amendment was just for sake to justify the partner at present, the future mentioned by both as ‘forever’ was a lie, a big lie; falseness was embraced in partnership ‘Forever ‘only meant to fly the thirst of illness of never being one at a time Unbiased with thought I started applauding my thoughts as I got deep with in Stating some cases thrown out by this society A claim was adorned, there is nothing such as ‘forever’ in the dictionary of life, a journey of lies; a journey on earth Appealing to justify I asked to clarify, it stated me We are liars of heart just satisfying the present, and imagining the future and stating according to that ,a stillness and a ‘forever’ in the life of finite days All we are just illusionist; a liars of reality screens keeping our self in hypothetical situation just to adorn our self The ‘forever was little bit a lower than ever’ it was never than a bit more Everything ended with a certain exotic clause thou the this ‘forever’ never but it was exception in the life of finite days Thou it was never so deeply explained What it could be What it would be If a certain clauses are added to it But every time I added a word to ‘forever’ it always meant undefined, unpredictable That is meaningless So every time I was satisfying with a word I was lying Thus is everyone Forever always mentioned undefined We just appealed to satisfy the hunger of love with this word As if contract of love was amended and rewarded by mentioning ‘forever’ in the talks That lies were lies of injustice The lies of society and the cruel heart Forever never added up to infinite it was always finite, a short distanced finite lagging stillness too Never was stillness in anything in this world And never ‘a forever meant ever in this era of love’ Never……,There is a finite above every infinite,The world counts everything,There is nothing endless ,Everything has an end

shujaurrahman Shujaurrehman210@gmail.com 4-November 2021 Thursday, 11:51 pm

NothinG is EterNaL..


Why?Why do we need more freedom?When we are having enoughIs there anything we are scared off to deal withWhy we grow up too fast leaving all the childless behavior backWhy a man does attains a certain......... age called maturity and starts judging what is wrong and what is rightWe can’t remain a child forever like till deathNot judging anything doing mistakes and doing the hell what comes up and cop up right the wayNo but we gain maturity and comes to know that we are dealing with hundreds of problems and certain pressure , behaving like a pervert in front of what we are thinkingWhat does perfect looks like?I am asking because I haven’t passed a day in my life according to the thing so called perfectOr I should correct even a second in my lifeWhat do this mean at least I wanted to knewWhy do this all things or thoughts trigger my mind even I don’t want to think of that I don’t know about itOk I have planned hundred times according to the so called perfect but I haven’t till date came across that so longWhat does that even look I don’t know yet?I keep thinking these all thoughts in my imaginative mind and believe that it comes true soonKnowing that it won’tBut still hopes are hopes they are never still like water at timesThey keep going like time and don’t stop for even a second and at the end make up heap of dreamNot to be fulfilledIs there anything called like perfect freedomBecause I haven’t came across that tooThe more I get I think the less I am havingI think I am introvertThe thing is I spent a lot of time talking to meTo my soulThat this thing should be like that, that would look good with this and etcWhy do life keep going and not having a pause and rewind buttonIf that is allowed in this game of lifeI would go back to my child ageMaking plenty of mistakes without knowing the cause for that I have payBut that can’t be possible right nowI think that is the possible cause for what I am dealing todayFor what I am hungry todayMy actual greed I sayWhat does anybody need freedom, dreams, cause and perfection?Even having enough of itBut hunger is never satisfied if we get good foodWe need more, the more we get the more we step up to achieve more I think that is lifeWe are never satisfied with what we are having and we need everything we are not havingThe only contradiction I am proving is to a line I read somewhere“Nothing is eternal”Like nothing is for foreverLikewise are we, we change, step up at every second with our dreams with our partners, our thinking probably with everything we are having todayTo have something is to let it goI remember so I let go everything just to have something in futureBut I haven’t came across that thing probably I am believing in a myth or else in journey of dreamsSecretly running by oneselfThat rest is same but not stillHope to come across something like really called perfection and freedom according to dictionary of dreams and yesA line “everything is eternal”What I have to do is just WAIT….!!! NA?