shujaurrahman 18-December 2021 Saturday, 8:02 am



Sounds of leaves uttering by shoes of passengers were heard, Flashback to a ago when these leaves were the pamphlets; exchange letter of the lovers Written with feelings like deepen heart words ela.........borating each others love Considering the beauties ,the chaos, the stillness, the oneness of widen and exotic love The life that tied the thumbs of goals to the future was embrace with the newness of present Present with her Contracting an amendment for forever was the promise to be sign on But what? Was that “forever” worth a penny ; the promises , the chaos , the stillness, the love, the sacrifice , the aims, the oneness of two, all deemed to low that sake of illness derived from coward people’s thinking was born And this ‘forever ‘flew away from the life of two to one like the bird that flew just after freed from bars Forever was ever meant just for never There was nothing still with life and the love too The amendment was just for sake to justify the partner at present, the future mentioned by both as ‘forever’ was a lie, a big lie; falseness was embraced in partnership ‘Forever ‘only meant to fly the thirst of illness of never being one at a time Unbiased with thought I started applauding my thoughts as I got deep with in Stating some cases thrown out by this society A claim was adorned, there is nothing such as ‘forever’ in the dictionary of life, a journey of lies; a journey on earth Appealing to justify I asked to clarify, it stated me We are liars of heart just satisfying the present, and imagining the future and stating according to that ,a stillness and a ‘forever’ in the life of finite days All we are just illusionist; a liars of reality screens keeping our self in hypothetical situation just to adorn our self The ‘forever was little bit a lower than ever’ it was never than a bit more Everything ended with a certain exotic clause thou the this ‘forever’ never but it was exception in the life of finite days Thou it was never so deeply explained What it could be What it would be If a certain clauses are added to it But every time I added a word to ‘forever’ it always meant undefined, unpredictable That is meaningless So every time I was satisfying with a word I was lying Thus is everyone Forever always mentioned undefined We just appealed to satisfy the hunger of love with this word As if contract of love was amended and rewarded by mentioning ‘forever’ in the talks That lies were lies of injustice The lies of society and the cruel heart Forever never added up to infinite it was always finite, a short distanced finite lagging stillness too Never was stillness in anything in this world And never ‘a forever meant ever in this era of love’ Never……,There is a finite above every infinite,The world counts everything,There is nothing endless ,Everything has an end
